This is a visual story about splashing some color into your lives, by opening your eyes, breaking away from the mould and following your dreams. As wave sliders, we are inspired by waves to travel the globe in search of perfect waves but the deeper you look and the further you go, you realize that it's not about finding that perfect's also about the people you meet and what you find along the way and how these experiences change you deep within.

The Salt Trail

The Salt Trail // TRAILER from The Salt Trail on Vimeo.

The deeper you look and the further you go, you realize that its not about finding that perfect slide…it’s also about the people you meet and what you find along the way and how these experiences change you deep within.

Derek Dodds

Derek Dodds is founder of the world's first ecological surf company Wave Tribe, surfboard shaper, world traveler, author and Mini Simmons enthusiast.

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Meet Surfer Derek Dodds

Derek Dodds | Surfer, Shaper, Traveler
I'm Derek Dodds, the guy behind I love surfing, shaping, adventure travel, IPAs, useful gear, and all things related to the sea.