I love to surf—you too, right?
I love to travel—yea, we are very similar.
Stu, owner of Shell Beach Surf Shop in Pismo Beach, called and said that he was going to Baja and he invited me along.
I went of course.I was reading Steve Jobs biography on the trip and it made me reflect on my life. You ever do that?
It lead me to THAT question, what will my legacy be?
Deep down I want to leave this a better place, this green ball we are on, just like Steve did. I’m no SJ though.

I also want to hang out with friends and travel to surf breaks and yea, surf. You probably want these things too.
I also try and be positive about life, leave people with a smile or a good feeling about what I am doing.It’s not always easy.
Creating surf products is not rocket science but what IS extraordinary about running a business is that you end up touching many people’s lives, lives that you would have never encountered had you been doing something else.What you learn is that EVERY encounter matters.
I am happy to make surf products, I make gear that I like and that isn’t available in the surf industry—it’s that simple.
Sometimes people like it, sometimes people don’t.
I guess if enough people like it I get to keep on doing it.
But one thing is for sure, whatever happens, when Stu calls next time I’ll drop everything to go surfing and I’ll be grateful he did.
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