Mercedes Maidana Nelscott Reef Big Wave Event
Wave Tribe Eco Rider Mercedes Maidana made it to Oregon to participate in the making of history. “In perfect conditions on the Oregon coast, three women became the first to surf at Nelscott Reef, during the world’s first Women’s big wave event. Keala Kennely, Mercedes Maidana, and Savannah Shaughnessy battled it out during a 1-hour heat.”
“Mercedes had a very strong finish, catching one of the nicest waves of the day during the last set of the heat. In the end, Keala’s scores were strong enough to take the win.”
“We have been wanting to do this for years. I am so stoked that you three were able to make it and take part in the first ever women’s big wave event,” said John Forse, event organizer. The women were equally as excited and grateful. They came up to Oregon to show world what they do and that they can compete in conditions like this.
“Thank you Nelscott Reef for giving us the chance to surf this amazing wave”, said Mercedes Maidana. “Thanks to all the organizers and crew for believing in us girls and for giving us this space to show the world what we love to do the most. We’ll see you next year for sure, hopefully with more women and bigger waves!”
We’re super stoked for these 3 fantastic women!
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