Matt Meola surfing at home on Maui. This edit features the first ever landed spindle flip 540. Enjoy!
Edited by: Elliot Leboe
Filming: Jon Spenser, Dan Norkunas, Elliot Leboe
Motion Control Time-lapse: Chris Archer
You Are My Sunshine Jamey Johnson, Shooter Jennings, Twiggy Ramirez
Matt SHREDS! Sean Ordenez is a truly gifted shaper, I highly suggest ordering one or two if heading to Maui!
Agreed, thanks Chance!
Nice vid Derek! I am not a fan of windy Maui surf, but I also can’t bust 540 airs on a whim. Hope we can score some Hawaii perfection on a future surf trip.
Thanks GG—that air 540 is way out of my league too.